Hypomagnesaemia occurs when the intake of magnesium is exceeded by its output. The clinical signs can occur very quickly because the cow does not store magnesium, and is thus reliant on its daily dietary intake.
Category: Internal Medicine
Traumatic Reticulitis
Ketosis in different farm animals
Postparturient hemoglobinuria (PPH) in animals
A disease of high-producing dairy cows occurring soon after calving. It is also called postparturient hemoglobinuria and is characterized by intravascular hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, and anemia. Etiology a. Ration low in P, hay and grass from low P area, draughtb. Cu Read More …
Osteomalacia (Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment)
Osteodystrophia Fibrosa (Causes, symptoms, and treatment)
Severe cases -sweat profusely, difficulty in moving because of tetany and in-coordination, stiff gait, the tail is slightly raised, rapid violent respiration, wide dilatation of nostrils, distinct thumping sound from the chest(due to spasm of the diaphragm), muscular fibrillation-masseter trismus, no prolapse of membrane nictitans.
Downer cow syndrome in cattle
• Downer – unable to rise after 24 hrs and after 2 Calcium treatments. • Usually occurs as a complication following hypocalcaemic parturient paresis. Characterized clinically by, Prolonged recumbency even after 2 successive Ca therapy Down at least for 24 Read More …